Malaprops & Moxie
Sometimes words don't come out the way we intended them to. MAL·A·PROP·ISM: the use of a word sounding somewhat like the one intended but ludicrously wrong in the context. And sometimes life doesn't happen the way we planned, but we power through and learn from it. MOX·IE: energy, pep, courage determination. Listen along as host, Taylor Florio, brings in guests to share about when MALAPROPS happen in real life, and the MOXIE that gets us through.
25 episodes
Moving to a new city with Cameron
This episode's malaprop in real life is all about moving to a new city and starting over. Cameron is a young professional who had the opportunity to transfer from Charlotte, NC to New York City for work. We talk about the harsh realities ...
Season 3
Episode 3

Honoring Jeff Bennett with Rich Saner
On this episode of Malaprops and Moxie, host Tay Flo sits down with Rich Saner - Long time friend and business partner of the late Jeff Bennett. Bennett left us with his legacy in 2020 unexpectedly. While is physical presence is no ...
Season 3
Episode 1

Postpartum and Adaptive Training with Jamie and Annie
Jamie and Annie met at the gym. Gym interactions turned into a sisterly friendship and now they run a business together. Jamie is a certified trainer, and Annie is a physical therapist and owner of Grow PT in Charlotte, NC. They both started 36...
Season 3
Episode 2

Side Hustles with Aaron Dodge
Welcome back to another season of Malaprops & Moxie! We are kicking off this season with an episode with the king and queen of side hustles. Collectively guest, Dodge, and I have worked plenty of random and not so random side hustles over t...
Season 3
Episode 1

Wait Till I Get My Money Right with Tammy Goodman
Financial Planner Tammy Goodman is here to talk money. Money trends with credit cards, retirement plans, budgeting, and grocery shopping. Things the generation before us always practiced versus what we know now about financial plann...
Season 2
Episode 9

Secrets of an Extrovert with Julia Fay
What do you get when you put two extroverts in a podcast studio with mics? A pretty chatty conversation on all things you wish you knew about your extroverted friends. Julia and host Tay Flo share what they wish people knew about wh...
Season 2
Episode 8

Let's Talk About Boobs with Dr. Jack Scheuer
Plastic surgeon Dr. Jack Scheuer comes on to M & M to speak about breast reduction surgeries. The conversation dives into what a reduction actually is, when women should get them, how to pay for them and so much more. This episode was...
Season 2
Episode 7

Ten with Tay: My Breast Reduction
In this minsode of Ten with Tay, I tell the story of my breast reduction journey. I talk through the process of finding a surgeon, working with my insurance company, and then finally pulling the trigger to get the procedure done and where...

Starting a Small Business From Scratch with Chelsea Marsh
This self-taught metalsmith shares her story of starting a small jewelry business from scratch. Chelsea takes sheets of metal and spools of wire and turns them into timeless and trendy pieces of jewelry that will WOW the socks off of you!...
Season 2
Episode 6

Vaccinated and Feeling Fortunate with Bob Florio
As a retired aerospace engineer, father, husband, grandfather, avid reader, data nerd, and damn good softball player, 69 year old Bob Florio aka The Bob aka my dad, talks through his experience of getting the vaccine. *I nor my gue...
Season 2
Episode 5

Separated and Dating with Garrett Tichy
"What if we just say exactly what we feel?" Garrett Tichy walks us through this episode's malaprop in real life on being separated...and dating. When do you decide to get back out there? Do you remember how to flirt? What are the rules af...
Season 2
Episode 4

Navigating Hard Conversations: with two friends who have hard conversations
Raise your hand if you've had a heated conversation over politics, racial equity, or wearing a mask in the last year. We've all been there. In this episode, two friends who sit on different sides of the political spectrum talk about how they ha...
Season 2
Episode 3

Thirty Six Hours in Charlotte with Lorri Ashly
The city you call home can change over time, but inevitably, you find your go-to staples. Host Tay Flo and guest Lorri talk through some of their favorite go-to spots in the Queen City. Whether you live in Charlotte, have been, or w...
Season 2
Episode 2

Holiday Cards with Holley, just Holley
For the start of season two and the end of 2020, Holley (or HJH as some people like to call her) comes on as our latest guest to talk about her annual holiday cards. Just because you're not married, don't have kids or a fur child to show ...
Season 2
Episode 1

Ep 10 Reminiscing with Renee Olsen
LONDON BABY!! In this episode I go down memory lane with my dear friend of 18 years as we share stories about how we moved to London after college. We talk about how unprepared we were, how we got jobs, how we lived on barely any money, a...
Season 1
Episode 10

Ep 9: Flying During COVID-19 with Charlotte Blackley
Not flying right now due to the pandemic? You are not alone. Flight attendant, Charlotte Blackley, shares her experience in the airline industry during this times. She shares stories of what it's like in the airports, on the p...
Season 1
Episode 9

Ep 8: Foraging the Fridge with Gerardo "G" Perez
Everyone has heard of the "freshman 15" and with the new social distancing and shelter in place orders, we are all trying to avoid the "quarantine 15"! My guest (you can call him G) helps break down what we should be eat...
Season 1
Episode 8

Ep 7: Working From Home with Brittany Privott
The COVID-19 global pandemic has many people working from home. This can be a huge shift for anyone who is used to the comforts of an office, working with a team, and having all that they need in one place. My guest Brittiany and I ...
Season 1
Episode 7

Minisode with Tay Flo
In light of the current state of our nation and our world with the COVID-19 Pandemic, I have decided to put a short hold on recording new episodes with other guests. However, I was able to sneak into the studio to record an update for all...
Season 1

Ep 6: Shifting Passion and Hustle with Tecoby Hines
We've all had a shift in career, jobs, and other ventures in life. Guest Tecoby Hines talked about how finding Enderly Coffee and the position he holds at that coffee shop changed the trajectory of his everyday life. We talk people,...
Season 1
Episode 6

Ep 5: Two Religions, One Household with Brittany Yoho
We have all made "the list" of things we want in a significant other, but what happens when that person does not check off all the boxes? Listen in while Brittany shares her story about being Jewish, living in Israel and then how her and her hu...
Season 1
Episode 5

Ep 3: Joining a gym with Sarah Headley
On this episode, host Tay Flo talks with her friend and fellow fitness buddy Sarah Headley about joining a gym. We've all seen the ads, the 6 weeks challenges, and the super intimidating club-like atmosphere with gyms these days. Li...
Season 1
Episode 3