Malaprops & Moxie
Sometimes words don't come out the way we intended them to. MAL·A·PROP·ISM: the use of a word sounding somewhat like the one intended but ludicrously wrong in the context. And sometimes life doesn't happen the way we planned, but we power through and learn from it. MOX·IE: energy, pep, courage determination. Listen along as host, Taylor Florio, brings in guests to share about when MALAPROPS happen in real life, and the MOXIE that gets us through.
Podcasting since 2020 • 25 episodes
Malaprops & Moxie
Latest Episodes
Moving to a new city with Cameron
This episode's malaprop in real life is all about moving to a new city and starting over. Cameron is a young professional who had the opportunity to transfer from Charlotte, NC to New York City for work. We talk about the harsh realities ...
Season 3
Episode 3

Honoring Jeff Bennett with Rich Saner
On this episode of Malaprops and Moxie, host Tay Flo sits down with Rich Saner - Long time friend and business partner of the late Jeff Bennett. Bennett left us with his legacy in 2020 unexpectedly. While is physical presence is no ...
Season 3
Episode 1

Postpartum and Adaptive Training with Jamie and Annie
Jamie and Annie met at the gym. Gym interactions turned into a sisterly friendship and now they run a business together. Jamie is a certified trainer, and Annie is a physical therapist and owner of Grow PT in Charlotte, NC. They both started 36...
Season 3
Episode 2

Side Hustles with Aaron Dodge
Welcome back to another season of Malaprops & Moxie! We are kicking off this season with an episode with the king and queen of side hustles. Collectively guest, Dodge, and I have worked plenty of random and not so random side hustles over t...
Season 3
Episode 1

Wait Till I Get My Money Right with Tammy Goodman
Financial Planner Tammy Goodman is here to talk money. Money trends with credit cards, retirement plans, budgeting, and grocery shopping. Things the generation before us always practiced versus what we know now about financial plann...
Season 2
Episode 9